So far so good! I have found something to cure my sugar cravings that is a tasty treat and gluten free! I made chocolate chip cookies with chickpeas! Yes chickpeas! Surprisingly you could not even taste the chickpeas in the cookie. On day 3 I kind of slipped and had some ice cream. So I kind of cheated on the dairy free part. It is all good because I got right back on track the next day.
Recipe for the cookies:
1 1/4 cup chickpeas washed and then dried with paper towel
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup natural crunchy almond butter
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees C.
2. Mix all the ingredients except the chocolate chips in food processor. Process until smooth.
3. Scrape the mixture into a bowl and then add dark chocolate chips.
4. Make 1 1/2 inch cookie balls with wet hands and put on foil or parchment paper on a cookie sheet.
5. Bake 10-15 minutes ovens will vary.
The end result:
These cookies were delicious! If you have any leftovers keep them in the fridge so they stay fresh. When you want to eat them zap them in the microwave for 20 seconds and they will taste like they are freshly baked!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Day 1 and 2 of Gluten free/dairy free
From my last post, you all can see that I am trying a gluten free/dairy free diet for this week. So far its been going ok, but it is not easy! It is not hard to stay away from the breads, but my biggest weakness is sweets.
However, there are many things you can make that are gluten free and I will experiment with some recipes soon.
The hardest part of the dairy free is not being able to eat ice cream or yogurt!! I have not noticed any difference in how I feel. The only thing I have noticed is having a little more energy than usual.
For the past few days I have been having rolled oats with almond milk and blueberries for breakfast. For lunch I will usually have a salad with fruit and some grilled chicken. For dinner I had fish, brown rice, and kale. Like I said the food is not the problem...the desserts are an issue.
More to come for the rest of the week!

The hardest part of the dairy free is not being able to eat ice cream or yogurt!! I have not noticed any difference in how I feel. The only thing I have noticed is having a little more energy than usual.
For the past few days I have been having rolled oats with almond milk and blueberries for breakfast. For lunch I will usually have a salad with fruit and some grilled chicken. For dinner I had fish, brown rice, and kale. Like I said the food is not the problem...the desserts are an issue.
More to come for the rest of the week!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Recently there has been much hype about removing gluten and dairy from the diet. Many doctors, such as Dr. Oz, are having celebrities, trainers, nutritionists, and other doctors claiming that gluten and dairy are causing inflammation in the body leading to many diseases and disorders.I have long been against any fad diets. However, this "idea" or
"concept" does not seem to be a fad. In situations like this we are must
pay attention to our body. If for some reason we believe that gluten or
dairy do not agree with us we can try eliminating it from the diet. What is the truth to this gluten free/dairy free craze based on a nutritionist perspective? I will tell you.
So what is gluten? Gluten is a protein that is found in grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and triticale. A gluten-free diet is prescribed mainly for celiac disease. In celiac disease the protein gluten causes inflammation in the small intestine. Those who suffer from this condition have no choice, but to go gluten-free. A gluten-free diet is very challenging and can be very tough initially. Many things we eat contain gluten and those who are sensitive must avoid all gluten-containing products. Also, they must avoid cross-contamination so a product made in a factory that processes "wheat" is not allowed on the gluten-free diet.
So why are people torturing themselves to gluten-free even though they are not suffering from celiac disease? That is the million dollar question! Many people claim that removing this protein from the diet helps them feel better. They are less bloated, have more energy, less arthritic pains, and in some cases have cured certain autoimmune disorders.
The claim dairy causes inflammation does not make much sense to me. How can something with vitamin D and calcium be harmful to you? I personally believe it is not the actual dairy people are having problems with, but the hormones injected to the cow producing the milk we drink. However, those who cannot digest the milk due to lactose intolerance should avoid dairy products. Everyone is different someone who has lactose intolerant may be able to handle cheese, but not milk. Another person may not be able to eat any dairy products at all. I feel that it is important to just pay attention on what happens to your body when you eat certain foods. If they do not agree with you, avoid them. But remember if you are avoiding dairy you might need a calcium or vitamin D supplement.
I am going to challenge myself this week and avoid gluten and dairy foods to see if there is some real truth to this hype. I will keep you all updated with my progress.I personally have been having issues with certain wheat products and I absolutely cannot drink milk. Starting tomorrow I will be going gluten and dairy free for 2 weeks. It is not going to be easy, but I do love a challenge!
So what is gluten? Gluten is a protein that is found in grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and triticale. A gluten-free diet is prescribed mainly for celiac disease. In celiac disease the protein gluten causes inflammation in the small intestine. Those who suffer from this condition have no choice, but to go gluten-free. A gluten-free diet is very challenging and can be very tough initially. Many things we eat contain gluten and those who are sensitive must avoid all gluten-containing products. Also, they must avoid cross-contamination so a product made in a factory that processes "wheat" is not allowed on the gluten-free diet.
So why are people torturing themselves to gluten-free even though they are not suffering from celiac disease? That is the million dollar question! Many people claim that removing this protein from the diet helps them feel better. They are less bloated, have more energy, less arthritic pains, and in some cases have cured certain autoimmune disorders.
The claim dairy causes inflammation does not make much sense to me. How can something with vitamin D and calcium be harmful to you? I personally believe it is not the actual dairy people are having problems with, but the hormones injected to the cow producing the milk we drink. However, those who cannot digest the milk due to lactose intolerance should avoid dairy products. Everyone is different someone who has lactose intolerant may be able to handle cheese, but not milk. Another person may not be able to eat any dairy products at all. I feel that it is important to just pay attention on what happens to your body when you eat certain foods. If they do not agree with you, avoid them. But remember if you are avoiding dairy you might need a calcium or vitamin D supplement.
I am going to challenge myself this week and avoid gluten and dairy foods to see if there is some real truth to this hype. I will keep you all updated with my progress.I personally have been having issues with certain wheat products and I absolutely cannot drink milk. Starting tomorrow I will be going gluten and dairy free for 2 weeks. It is not going to be easy, but I do love a challenge!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Chia Seeds and Weight Loss
The chia pets sold in the 1980’s and
'90s were made up of chia seeds that sprouted to show fur or hair on the animal
figurines. These same chia seeds are now available for adding to beverages and
foods both for weight loss and as a healthy supplement. Chia seeds, which
originated in Aztec culture, come from a plant called Salvica hispanica. Primarily grown in South America, these seeds
have become the buzz of the nutrition field.
Chia seeds are packed with
nutritional power. According to Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, chia seeds
first started getting recognition because they were rich in omega-3 fatty
acids. But they also contain iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, fiber,
and protein. All these essential nutrients help fight inflammation, lower blood
cholesterol and blood pressure levels. The USDA reports that one ounce or 2
tablespoons contains 138 calories, 9 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrates,10
grams of fiber, and 5 grams of protein.
Chia seeds contain insoluble and
soluble fibers, which leads to fullness after a meal and blood sugar control.
This is the reason they are being promoted as a weight loss supplement.
However, published studies show conflicting results on its effect on weight
loss. Appalachian State University performed a study in 2009 to examine the
seeds effect on overweight adults. The participants included the seeds in their
diet for 12 weeks and the results indicated no change in their body mass or
composition. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study in which
type 2 diabetics took chia seeds for 12 weeks. The results were positive in
that the seeds in fact reduced blood sugar levels after eating and promoted
Whether you choose chia seeds for
weight loss or a healthy supplement, they are very versatile and can be added
to many foods. They are a great addition to a smoothie, fresh squeezed juices
or even a low fat milkshake. They are a lot like flax seeds in that they can be
mixed into yogurt, oatmeal, rice, salads, sandwiches or scrambled eggs.
Too much of something can often have
effects on our body. Since chia seeds have both insoluble and soluble fibers,
consuming too much can cause gas and bloating. The omega-3 content and
antioxidant properties can lower blood pressure or thin out the blood. If you
already have low blood pressure, be cautious when consuming these seeds. Also,
if you are on blood-thinning medication or preparing for surgery, do not
consume these seeds.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
Aztec Diet Secret, What are Chia Seeds?
[ ]
[ ]
USDA: Nutrient Data for 12006, Seeds,
Chia seeds, Dried
[ ]
[ ]
Nutrition Research: Department of Health, Leisure, and
Exercise Science Appalachian State University
[ ]
[ ]
Healthy Weight Loss Ideas
Healthy Weight Loss Ideas
Losing weight can be a long,
stressful process that requires time and motivation. When you have come to the
point where you need to lose some extra pounds, it can be a daunting task to
find the best weight-loss solution. Do not rely on fad diets that promise rapid
weight loss because quick weight loss can lead to loss of muscle mass, bone and
water. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests that healthy weight loss
should be done gradually by making smart lifestyle choices.
Whole Grains
An ideal weight loss plan is one
that involves healthy foods. Begin by switching to whole grains and cleaning
out all white processed foods from your diet. Processed foods lack vitamins,
minerals and fiber and are high in sugar and calories, which can lead to
obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes. Whole-grain products are rich in fiber,
helping you stay full longer, which can aid in weight control. Read the labels
and look for the product's 100 percent whole grain stamp.
Soft Drinks
According to the Harvard School of
Public Health, the amount of sugar in one 12-ounce can of regular soda is
equivalent to 10 teaspoons of sugar and consists of more than 200 calories.
Although diet soda is calorie-free, long term consumption can also lead to
weight gain. Because the body cannot use the artificial sweetener for energy,
it starts to crave something substantial to get the calories it needs. To
combat the craving, you eat more food, leading to an increase in calories and,
subsequently, weight gain. If you want to maintain your weight or lose weight,
try a healthier option such as sparkling water, unsweetened tea or coffee.
According to the, 20 to
35 percent of your calories should come from fats. Fat has 9 calories per gram,
while protein and carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram. Foods that are high
in saturated and trans fats, such as butter, cheese and some red meat, are
considered the bad fats. These foods are not only high in fat, but have
additional calories and sugar. Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats
are the good fats and they are found in foods such as olive and canola oils,
fish, nuts, and sunflower, flax or chia seeds. These foods come from more
natural sources rather than processed. To eliminate excess calories and sugar
that come with the bad fats, replace them with the good ones.
The body uses calories for energy to
perform several necessary physiological processes. In order to calculate your
daily calorie needs, determine your Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR, which is the
number of calories your body needs while at rest. A pound of fat has 3,500
calories, so you must create a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories a week to lose
1 pound. Subtract 500 calories from your BMR through either eating less or
burning calories via exercise to lose 1 pound in seven days.
Try the Mediterranean diet, which
incorporates healthy oils, nuts, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. The
diet concentrates on limiting red meats to once a month while including fish
and poultry twice a week. The diet also calls for low-fat dairy products,
switching out salt with seasonings and herbs, and physical activity. The diet
is not a quick weight-loss solution, but a way to a healthy lifestyle by
causing gradual weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Staying Away from Fad Diets [] Healthy Diets
Harvard School of Public Health: How
Sweet Is It?
Harvard School of Public Health:
Sugary Drinks or Diet Drinks: What's the Best Choice?
[] Fat Grams: How to Track Your Dietary Fat
Harvard School of Public Health: Fats
and Cholesterol [] Counting calories: Get Back to Weight-Loss
Basics [] The Mediterranean Diet []
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Published Article SFGate: What Is the Function of B12 in the Production of Myelin?
Vitamin B-12 is involved in important processes in your body. This
water-soluble vitamin supplies methyl groups for DNA and protein
synthesis. Your body can store vitamin B-12 for a long time...(more)
Published article SF Gate: How to Develop a Healthy Mindset About Eating
It is late in the afternoon, about two to three hours after lunch and your stomach starts to rumble. You are in starvation mode....(more)
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Article: Wheat Versus Mutligrain
Hello everyone!!! Check out my article on Wheat Versus Multigrain!!
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